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The ONE thing

I guess, the best thing to share is the most essential thing: How to Know God Have you ever watched the sunrise,  looked deeply into the starry night sky or strolled in awe through a redwood grove? In these quiet moments, a thought may well up from your soul: Only God could create such beauty. Most people who have experienced moments like these come away believing that there must be a God. But how does a person relate to this Creator? How do we come to know God? The most marvelous book in the world, the Bible, marks the path to God with four vital truths. Let's look at each marker in detail. Our Spiritual Condition: Totally Depraved? We are sinners through and through---totally depraved. Now that doesn't mean we've committed every atrocity known to humankind. We're not as bad as we can be, just as bad off as we can be. Sin colors all our thoughts, motives, words, and actions. Don't believe it? Look around. Everything around us bears the smud

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